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Expression Bit Length

Formal Definition

This chapter explains values for evaluation of size of expressions.


Every expression has a result with a specified bit length. Therefore operand lengths should be checked before the expression is calculated to prevent the loss of important bits. This problem occurs when the result of an expression is assigned to a variable that cannot store all the result bits.


Bit length

Unsized constant number

Same as integer

Sized constant number

As given

i op j,

op: + - / % & | ^ ^~ ~^

Max(length of i, length of j)

i * j

Length of i + length of j

op i,

op: + - ~

Length of i

i op j,

op: == != === !== && || > >= < <=

1 bit

op i,

op: & ~& | ~| ^ ~^ ^~

1 bit

i op j,

op: >> <<

Length of i

i ? j : k

Max(length of j, length of k)


Length of i + length of j


i * (length of j + length of k)

Table 2 Expression bit length rules


Example 1

reg [3:0] a;
reg [7:0] b;
reg [15:0] c;
a + b -> 8 bits
a * b -> 12 bits
a || b -> 1 bit
a >> 2 -> 4 bits
(c) ? a : b -> 8 bits
{i,j} -> 12 bits
{2(a,b}} -> 24 bits

Important Notes

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