Expression | ---- used in ----> | Entity Architecture Package Package Body |
Syntax |
type'(expression) |
Rules and Examples |
A qualified expression is an expression with its type explicitly
stated. This is necessary where it might otherwise be ambiguous:
string'("0010") bit_vector'("0010") std_logic_vector'("0010") |
Qualified expressions may be required when calling overloaded
functions or procedures. The qualification makes it clear which version
is being called:
architecture OVER of A is signal P_STD : std_logic; signal P_BIT : bit; function PARITY (X : bit_vector) return bit is begin -- function code end PARITY; function PARITY (X : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is begin -- function code end PARITY; begin P_BIT <=PARITY(bit_vector'("00100")); P_STD <= PARITY(std_logic_vector'("10101")); end OVER; |
Qualification may be necessary for certain aggregate and array
entity CONCAT is port(A,B : in std_ulogic; VALUE: out integer range 0 to 9); end CONCAT; architecture BEHAVIOURAL of CONCAT is subtype T_2 is std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0); begin process(A,B) begin case T_2'(A & B) is when "00" => VALUE <= 0; when "01" => VALUE <= 1; when "10" => VALUE <= 2; when "11" => VALUE <= 3; when others => VALUE <= 9; end case; end process; end BEHAVIOURAL; |
Synthesis Issues |
Whats New in '93 |
Qualified expressions have not changed in VHDL-93.