|Summary |Design Units |Sequential Statements |Concurrent Statements |Predefined Types |Declarations |

|Resolution and Signatures |Reserved Words |Operators |Predefined Attributes |Standard Packages |

VHDL Concurrent Statements

These statements are for use in Architectures.

Concurrent Statements

  • block statement
  • process statement
  • concurrent procedure call statement
  • concurrent assertion statement
  • concurrent signal assignment statement
  • conditional signal assignment statement
  • selected signal assignment statement
  • component instantiation statement
  • generate statement
  • block statement

    Used to group concurrent statements, possibly hierarchically.
      label : block [ ( guard expression ) ] [ is ]
                 [ generic clause [ generic map aspect ; ] ]
                 [ port clause [ port map aspect ; ] ]
                 [ block declarative items ]
                 concurrent statements
              end block [ label ] ;
      clump : block
                A <= B or C;
                D <= B and not C;
              end block clump ;
      maybe : block ( B'stable(5 ns) ) is
                 port (A, B, C : inout std_logic );
                 port map ( A => S1, B => S2, C => outp );
                 constant delay: time := 2 ns;
                 signal temp: std_logic;
                 temp <= A xor B after delay;
                 C <= temp nor B;
              end block maybe; 

    process statement

    Used to do have sequential statements be a part of concurrent processing.
      label : process [ ( sensitivity_list ) ] [ is ]
                 [ process_declarative_items ]
                 sequential statements
              end process [ label ] ;
             -- input and output are defined a type 'word' signals
      reg_32: process(clk, clear)
                if clear='1' then
                  output <= (others=>'0');
                elsif clk='1' then
                  output <= input after 250 ps;
                end if;
              end process reg_32;
               -- assumes  use IEEE.std_logic_textio.all
      printout:  process(clk) -- used to show state when clock raises
                   variable my_line : LINE;   -- not part of working circuit
                   if clk='1' then
                     write(my_line, string'("at clock "));
                     write(my_line, counter);
                     write(my_line, string'("  PC="));
                     write(my_line, IF_PC);
                     writeline(output, my_line);
                     counter <= counter+1;
                   end if;
                 end process printout;
      process_declarative_items are any of:
      subprogram declaration
      subprogram body
      type declaration
      subtype declaration
      constant, object declaration
      variable, object declaration
      file, object declaration
      alias declaration
      attribute declaration
      attribute specification
      use clause
      group template declaration
      group declaration
      BUT NOT signal_declaration, all signals must be declared outside the process.
        sig1 <= sig2 and sig3; -- considered here as a sequential statement
                              -- sig1 is set outside the process upon exit or wait
    A process may be designated as postponed in which case it starts in the 
    same simulation cycle as an equivalent non postponed process,
    yet starts after all other non postponed processes have suspended
    in that simulation cycle.

    concurrent procedure call statement

    A sequential procedure call statement may be used and its behavior
    is that of an equivalent process. 
      [ label : ] [ postponed ] procedure name [ ( actual_parameters ) ] ;
      trigger_some_event ;
      Check_Timing(min_time, max_time, clk, sig_to_test);
    Note that a procedure can be defined in a library package and
    then used many places.  A process can not be similarly defined
    in a package and may have to be physically copied.  A process
    has some additional capability not available in a concurrent

    concurrent assertion statement

    A sequential assertion statement may be used and its behavior is that
    of an equivalent process.
      [ label : ] [ postponed ] assertion_statement ;

    concurrent signal assignment statement

    A sequential signal assignment statement is also a concurrent signal
    assignment statement. Additional control is provided by the use
    of postponed and guarded.
      [ label : ] sequential signal assignment statement
      [ label : ] [ postponed ] conditional_signal_assignment_statement ;
      [ label : ] [ postponed ] selected_signal_assignment_statement ;
    The optional guarded causes the statement to be executed when
    the guarded signal changes from False to True.

    conditional signal assignment statement

    A conditional assignment statement is also a concurrent signal
    assignment statement.
      target <= waveform when choice; -- choice is a boolean expression
      target <= waveform when choice else waveform;
      sig <= a_sig when count>7;
      sig2 <= not a_sig after 1 ns when ctl='1' else b_sig;
      "waveform" for this statement seems to include [ delay_mechanism ]
      See sequential signal assignment statement

    selected signal assignment statement

    A selected assignment statement is also a concurrent signal
    assignment statement.
      with expression select target <=
                 waveform when choice [, waveform when choice ] ;
      with count/2 select my_ctrl <=
                     '1' when 1, -- count/2 = 1 for this choice
                     '0' when 2,
                     'X' when others;

    component instantiation statement

    Get a specific architecture-entity instantiated component.
      part_name: entity  library_name.entity_name(architecture_name)
                 port map ( actual arguments ) ;
                                                  optional (architecture_name)
      part_name: component_name
                 port map ( actual arguments ) ;
      Given  entity gate is
                port (in1  : in  std_logic ;
                      in2  : in  std_logic ;
                      out1 : out std_logic) ;
             end entity gate;
             architecture circuit of gate is ...
             architecture behavior of gate is ...
      A101: entity WORK.gate(circuit)
                port map ( in1 => a, in2 => b, out1 => c );
            -- when gate has only one architecture
      A102: entity WORK.gate
                port map ( in1 => a, in2 => b, out1 => c );
            -- when order of actual arguments is used
      A103: entity WORK.gate
                port map ( a, b, c );
      Given an entity
      entity add_32 is -- could have several architectures
          port (a    : in  std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
                b    : in  std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
                cin  : in  std_logic;
                sum  : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
                cout : out std_logic);
      end entity add_32;
      Create a simple component interface
      component add_32 -- use same port as entity
          port (a    : in  std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
                b    : in  std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
                cin  : in  std_logic;
                sum  : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
                cout : out std_logic);
      end component add_32;
      Instantiate the component 'add_32' to part name 'PC_incr'
      PC_incr : add_32 port map (PC, four, zero, PC_next, nc1);
      Create a component interface, changing name and renaming arguments
      component adder  -- can have any name but same types in port
          port (in1  : in  std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
                in2  : in  std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
                cin  : in  std_logic;
                sum  : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
                cout : out std_logic);
      end component adder;
      Instantiate the component 'adder' to part name 'PC_incr'
      PC_incr : adder  -- configuration may associate a specific architecture
                port map (in1  => PC,
                          in2  => four,
                          cin  => zero,
                          sum  => PC_next,
                          cout => nc1);

    generate statement

    Make copies of concurrent statements
      label: for variable in range generate    -- label required
                block declarative items  \__ optional   
             begin                       /
                concurrent statements          -- using variable
             end generate label ;
      label: if condition generate            -- label required
                block declarative items  \__ optional   
             begin                       /
                concurrent statements
             end generate label ;
      band : for I in 1 to 10 generate
      b2 :      for J in 1 to 11 generate
      b3 :         if abs(I-J)<2 generate
                       part: foo port map ( a(I), b(2*J-1), c(I, J) );
                   end generate b3;
                end generate b2;
             end generate band;

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