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Table of Contents
Block Statements
Built-in Primitives
Case Statement
Continuous Assignments
Conversion Functions
Compiler Directives
Conditional Operator
Disable Statement
Display Tasks
Edge Sensitive Path
Expression Bit Length
File I/O Functions
If Statement
Integer Constants
Intra-assignment Timing Controls
Loop Statements
min:typ:max Delays
Module Declaration
Module Instantiation
Module Path Declaration
Module Path Polarity
Net Data Types
PLA Modeling Tasks
Probabilistic Distribution Functions
Procedural Assignments
Procedural Continuous Assignments
Procedural Timing Control
Range Specification
Real Constants
Register Data Types
Simulation Control Tasks
Simulation Time Functions
Specify Block
State Dependent Path
Stochastic Analysis Tasks
Structured Procedures
Timescale System Tasks
Timing Check Tasks
UDP Declaration
UDP Instantiation
UDP State Table
Value Change Dump (VCD) File

Module Path Polarity

Formal Definition

Module path polarity describes when a signal is inverted or not driving propagation between the source and the destination .

Simplified Syntax

+=> positive simple module path polarity

-=> negative simple module path polarity

+*> positive multiple module path polarity

-*> negative multiple module path polarity


The polarity of the module is a description of what happens when a signal is propagated from the source to the destination. There are three possible polarities of the module.

  • Unknown polarity

  • Positive polarity

  • Negative polarity

Positive polarity is specified by the + prefix. When positive polarity is specified, simple rules apply: a rise at the source causes a rise transition at the destination and a fall transition at the source causes the fall transition at the destination. (Example 1)

Negative polarity is specified by the - prefix. When negative polarity is specified, the rules applied are similar to those from positive polarity. However, a rise transition at the source causes fall transition at the destination, and a fall transition at the source causes a rise transition at the destination. (Example 2)

When no prefix is specified with => or *> operators, it means that unknown polarity is to be used by default. In this case a rise transition at the source may cause a rise, a fall, or no transition at the destination. The same rule applies for the fall transition. (Example 3)


Example 1

(DataIn +=> DataOut) = DataIn_to_DataOut ;
(DataIn +*> DataOut) = DataIn_to_DataOut ;

Positive polarity.

Example 2

(DataIn -=> DataOut) = DataIn_to_DataOut ;
(DataIn -*> DataOut) = DataIn_to_DataOut ;

Negative polarity.

Example 3

(DataIn => DataOut) = DataIn_to_DataOut ;
(DataIn *> DataOut) = DataIn_to_DataOut ;

Default unknown polarity.

Important Notes

  • By default, unknown polarity is specified.

  • Module path polarity is used by a timing analysis tool and is ignored by the simulator.


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