Formal Definition
Tasks provide a means of splitting code into small parts. Often tasks
consist of frequently used functionalities.
Simplified Syntax
task identifier;
Task definition begins with the keyword task
and ends with the keyword endtask.
A task should be followed by a task identifier and end with a
semicolon. A task can contain a declaration of parameters, input
arguments, output arguments, inout arguments, registers and events
(these declarations are similar to module items declaration) but they
are not required. Net declaration is illegal.
A task can contain zero or more behavioral statements, e.g. case
statement, if statement. A begin-end block is required for bracketing
multiple statements.
The task enabling statement should be made up of a task identifier
and the list of comma-separated task arguments. The list of task
arguments should be enclosed in parenthesis. If the task does not
contain any argument declarations, then it should be enabled by
specifying its identifier followed by a semicolon (Example
The list of task enabling arguments should correspond exactly to the
list of task arguments. If a task argument is declared as an input,
then a corresponding argument of the task enabling statement can be
any expression. If a task argument is declared as an output or an
inout then the corresponding argument of the task enabling statement
should be one of the following items:
Register data types
Memory references
Concatenations of registers or memory references
Bit-selects and part-selects of reg,
integer and time registers
Only the last assignment to an output or an inout argument is passed
to the corresponding task enabling arguments. If a task has
assignments to global variables, then all changes of these variables
are effective immediately.
Tasks can enable others tasks (Example
3) and functions. A task may be enabled several times in a
module. If one task is enabled concurrently, then all registers and
events declared in that task should be static, i.e., one variable for
all instances.
A task can contain time-controlling statements. A task does not
return a value by its name.
Example 1
task first_task;
parameter size = 4;
input a;
integer a;
inout [size-1:0] b;
output c;
reg [size-1:0] d;
event e;
d = b;
c = |d;
b = ~b;
if (!a) -> e;
This is an example of using parameters, input arguments, inout
arguments, output arguments, registers and events within tasks. The
'a' argument is declared as an input and as an integer data type.
'First_task' can be enabled as follows:
integer x;
reg a, b, y;
reg [3:0] z;
reg [7:0] w;
first_task(x, z, y);
first_task(x, w[7:4], w[1]);
first_task(1, {a, b, w[3], x[0]}, y);
When being enabled, the first argument of the 'first_task' should be
an integer data type expression, the second should be a 4-bit
register expression, and the last argument should be 1-bit register expression.
Example 2
reg a, b;
task my_task; // task definition
a = 1'b1;
b = 1'bx;
my_task; // task enabling
If 'my_task' is enabled then it will change the value of global
variables 'a' and 'b'.
Example 3
task negation;
inout data;
data = ~data;
task my_nor;
input a, b;
output c;
c = a & b;
The 'my_nor' task enables negation tasks.
Important Notes